Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Arts Class

So the 5 days of painting class with Sir Ashraf was quite effective :) I started with pencil sketch which needs quite patience and observational power.

These still life sketches are done by me so far.
And it needs a lot, I mean quite a lot, improvement. Hopeful :)

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Arts Class

I am feeling so great today as I have started my new arts and painting class. I really needed some guidelines, but was not inclined to join any commercial arts coaching center as you really do not get to learn if someone claims to teach you any artistry within a time limit. Feeling grateful to my new teacher as he was first unwilling to teach, coach or guide anyone as he had left that job years ago.

Here is one of my creations :)

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


একদিন ছুটি দিও, দিও অবকাশ;
নাহয় কিছু হাস্যমুখ পাহাড়িয়া ঘাস।
মুখ বুজে চুপ থাকা অপদার্থ‌‌ শহর,
একদিন জানালার পর্দা চুরি করুক চোর;
হলুদ জমিনে যার সিনথেটিকের ফুল
ছুটি দিও গত রাতে ফ্রিজে রাখা বিশ্বাস
যার জাল বেঁধে সংজ্ঞায়িত কর ভুল।

একদিন‍‍‌ প্লেটে ভাত দিও না আর তুলে,
নাহয় কিছু ভালোবাসা ভাসল বে অফ বেঙ্গলে।
সভ্যতা শাড়ি খুলে যাক রাতারগুলের বন
আর আপনমনে বাজছে, বাজুক উপরতলার ফোন।

একদিন ছুটে যাব ভুলে গিয়ে পথ;
পথমাঝে রাত হবে, শুয়োপোকার পাখা হবে,
দলবেধে গোলাপি পালক ছড়াবে বুনোহাস

Wild swan

Give me a holiday someday, grant me a leave;
Or some beaming grass and hill-borne leaves.
This is some feckless city with silentious mode.
Let the thief steal the curtain someday from windows;
Yellow curtains with flowers synthetic.
Grant a leave to the refrigerated beliefs,
Beliefs that are held to define sin.

Someday don’t serve rice anymore on my plate,
Let some love flow away in the Bay of Bengal.
Someday she would drop her drape (civilization) and go to jungle.
And the top-floor’s phone is ringing, let it call.

Someday I would run away forgetting the way;
Night would fall midway, caterpillar would get wings,
And the wild swans would relinquish feathers pink.



I wished my daughter sang the song on annual day, That I grew up singing, And my son recited the poem I still know by heart. But my posi...